Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cause Of Terrorism Essay - 1703 Words

People use terrorism to cause a sense of fear in a group of people and to make a clear stand on how they feel about a certain topic. Terrorism first became apparent during the French Revolution in the 1790s (Jenkins, 2017). This time era, known as the Reign of Terror, carried out mass killings of innocent civilians by a torture device called the guillotine (Jenkins, 2017). Since this time, terrorism has become more prominent all over the world. Presently, terrorism shows a clear political standing within a certain group of people. Terrorism is an ongoing problem that the world faces today. Many different examples of terrorism have happened in the world. One of the most well-known terrorist attacks happened on September 11, 2001, at the†¦show more content†¦This group called themselves the Islamic State or better known as ISIS. The article addresses that â€Å"Islamic terrorists are the most notorious of today’s violent radicals...† (Morgan, 2004). A few of the major attacks that ISIS has coordinated in the last couple of years have occurred in Paris, France. The first attack, carried out on January 7, 2015, happened at a location of a magazine shop called the Charlie Hebdo. Two Islamic terrorists entered the shop located in Paris and killed eleven people, including the editor (Ray, 2016). Little did Paris know that it was the first of many deadly assaults (Ray, 2016). Months after the deadly offense took place, another planned attack took place. On August 21, 2015, an ISIS accomplice boarded the train carrying an AK-47 assault rifle, a pistol, and many rounds of ammunition with the intent to kill. Luckily, the passengers on board the train were able to render the man incapable of doing what he set out to do. Two of the men that helped take the man down acted as off-duty U.S. military members vacationing in France (Ray, 2016). A few months later, the terrorist attacks increased in the city, causing devastation for the entire country. On November 13, 2015, multiple attacks aroused all over the city (Ray, 2016). At the Stade de France, France and Germany participated in a soccer match where France’s president, Franà §ois Hollande, was in attendance. A suicide bomber attempted to enter the stadium whenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Motivations and Causes of Terrorism3275 Words   |  14 PagesMotivations and Causes of Terrorism Despite the end of the Cold War and the faltering beginnings of a peace process in the Middle East, terrorism still remains a serious threat in many countries, not surprisingly, given that the underlying causes of the bitter ethnic and religious struggles which spawn terrorism pre-dated the Cold War, and most of these conflicts remain unresolved. 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