Monday, February 24, 2020

Philosophy paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Philosophy paper - Essay Example Rousseau is of the view that general will is the sum of differences of specific individual interests. It is in the best interest of everyone e.g. personal interests are often benefited at the expense of other people’s collective interests. Therefore if this individuality is cancelled out entirely then all citizens within a society can enjoy freedom. By subjugating our desires for the betterment of nation, voluntarily embracing the society’s administration as our own, freedom can be achieved which will make us more rational and moral (Rousseau 26). Under the social contract, Rousseau is in favour of alienated totality of all rights within the society. By exchanging innate freedom with civil independence we are able to maintain equality between all members of society. When the community rights surpass individual rights a sovereign state comes into being. â€Å"Finally, each man, in giving himself to all, gives himself to nobody: and as there is no associate over which he does not acquire the same right as he yields others over himself, he gains an equivalent for everything he loses, and an increase of force for the preservation of what he has† (Rousseau 24). In his book, the social contract Rousseau envisages sovereign as a collective effort of all citizens. Through continued collaboration they form the state principles and general will for common good. According to him the government and sovereign are in constant friction that may result in a diminishing society but healthy nations never give up and last for ages to come e.g. the Roman realm. Everyone is free to practise their own beliefs in privacy but a public religion established by the state is preferred that favors active citizenship. In his ideology citizens are not forced but motivated to affirm to the community for their own mutual interest. His main aim is to seek how freedom can develop in a civil society in

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Population growth in Mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Population growth in Mexico - Essay Example Mexico is primarily a middle-income nation and its economy is predominately linked with the economy of the United States of America. The country has shown rigorous improvement in its economic performance in the recent years. Furthermore the country is rich in mineral resources and other natural resources (The World Bank, 2013). Population Growth Rate of Mexico Mexico is one of the densely populated countries in the world. The population of the country has shown an increasing trend in the past years. From 1930 to 2000 the percentage population rise of the country was around 3.75%. However, since 1970 the population growth rate of the country is falling constantly. The fall in the population growth rate has been widely attributed to the declining fertility within the country. .. Figure: 1 below will provide a clear representation of the s (Tuiran, Partida, Mojarro & Zuniga, n.d.). Figure 1: Population Growth Pattern of Mexico (Tuiran, Partida, Mojarro & Zuniga, n.d.) Various survey res ults showed that the population of Mexico had been tripled since the year 1960’s. However, the population growth rate of the country in the recent years i.e. in between 2000 to 2012 is comparatively low to previous decade. The population growth rate in between 2000 is 1.4% which is quite lower in comparison to last two decades. The population augmentation rate of the last 10 years of Mexico is given below in figure 2 (Trading Economics, n.d.). Figure 2: Population Growth Rate (Trading Economics, n.d.) Despite the fall in the population growth rate, constant increase in population can be seen. The population of the country was around 101.02 million which has increased to 116.9 million in the current year (2013). This shows that the population of Mexico is continued to rise considerably over the years. The rise in the population of the country is illustrated below in the figure: 3. Figure 3: Comparative Population Growth of the Last Ten Years (Trading Economics, 2013) It is kno wn that rise or fall in growth of population is directly dependent on various factors which comprise of death rate, birth rate, fertility rate, and infant mortality and migration patterns among others. In general decrease in death rate and increase in birth rate is among the primary reason for the rapid growth of population in various countries of the world. Apart from rise in population is also quite related to migration patterns. Now-a-days, people travel from one place to another in search of their livelihood and gets settle to other country resulting in rise in population of that country. Similarly, fertility and infant mortality rate has high impacts on the rise and the fall of population of a country (Dettman, 2007). It has been analysed that the death rate of Mexico in the recent years has dropped considerably. Correspondingly, the death rate in the country was around 5.05 per thousand of the population in the year 2000 while in 2012 the rate seen a marginal decline with 4.9 per thousand of the population. This has been illustrated below in figure 4. Figure 4: Death Rate (Index Mundi, n.d.) Similarly, the birth rate of the country also shows a declining rate over the years. It has been observed that the birth rate of the country in the year 2000 was approximately 23.1 per thousand populations which have fallen to 18.8 per thousand populations in the year 2012. It can be observed that both the death rate as well as the birth rate shows decline from the past years. Figure 5: Birth Rate (Index Mundi, n.d.) Apart from these factors, it has also been learnt that infant mortality rate in Mexico is declining up to a larger extent. In 2000, the infant mortality rate of Mexico was recorded as 26.1 per thousand live births which fall to 16.7