Saturday, December 28, 2019

Jane Austens Complete List of Famous Works

Jane Austen is recognized as one of the most important English writers of her time. Shes probably most famous for her novel  Pride and Prejudice, but others like  Mansfield Park, are very popular. Her books largely dealt with themes of love and a womans role in the home. While many readers try to relegate Austen to the realms of early chick lit, her books are important to the literary canon. Austen is one of the most important British authors.   While today her novels are often considered by some to be part of the romance genre, Austens books actually helped popularize the idea of marrying for love in the first place. During Austens time marriage was more of a business contract, couples would decide to get married based on things like each others economic class. As one can imagine marriages like this werent always the best for women. Marriages built on love rather than for business reasons were a common plot point in many of Austens novels. Austens novels also pointed out the many ways women of her time depended on their ability to marry well.   Women rarely worked during Austens job and the few jobs they did hold were often service positions like cook or governess. Women relied on their husbands employment to provide for any family they might have.   Austen was a trailblazer in multiple ways, she chose not to marry and managed to earn money with her writing. While many artists arent appreciated in their lifetime, Austen was a popular author within her own life. Her books afforded her the ability not to need a husband to rely on. Her list of works is rather short by comparison but this is most likely due to her life being cut short due to an unknown illness. Jane Austens   Works Novels 1811 - Sense and Sensibility1813 - Pride and Prejudice1814 - Mansfield Park1815 - Emma1818 - Northanger Abbey (posthumous)1818 - Persuasion (posthumous) Short fiction 1794, 1805 - Lady Susan Unfinished fiction 1804 - The Watsons1817 - Sanditon Other works 1793, 1800 - Sir Charles Grandison1815 - Plan of a NovelPoemsPrayersLetters Juvenilia - Volume the First The Juvenilia is comprised of several notebooks Jane Austen wrote during her youth.   Frederic ElfridaJack AliceEdgar EmmaHenry and ElizaThe Adventures of Mr. HarleySir William MountagueMemoirs of Mr. CliffordThe Beautifull CassandraAmelia WebsterThe VisitThe MysteryThe Three SistersA beautiful descriptionThe generous CurateOde to Pity Juvenilia - Volume the Second Love and FriendshipLesley CastleThe History of EnglandA Collection of LettersThe female philosopherThe first Act of a ComedyA Letter from a Young LadyA Tour through WalesA Tale Juvenilia - Volume the Third EvelynCatharine, or the Bower

Friday, December 20, 2019

Australia s Interconnection With England - 1285 Words

Australia s interconnection with England By Clement Wong School Report - 9 March, 2015 Introduction Australian – British relations are one of the closest international relationships in existence, marked by culture, institutions and language, Australia have a few interconnection with England by military, tourism, migration, economic, sports, culture, science and engineer. Firstly, Globalisation is acting an important role between Australia and England, however what is globalisation? Globalization is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. Globalization has increased the production of goods and services. Tourism Tourism is one of the major interconnection between Australia and England. Tourism is Industry The City of London has been funding for the development of resources in Australia since the old days The oil industry in Australia started with Commonwealth Oil Refineries, a collaboration between the Australian government and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (later BP). Ties are strong in the media industry; Rupert Murdoch s involvement in British newspapers and BSkyB is mentioned above, but Fremantle Media has gone the other way to acquire and merge Crackerjack Productions with the creators of Neighbors. Anglo-Australian companies have become some of the biggest multinational mining companiesShow MoreRelatedMall Culture5156 Words   |  21 PagesLook at shopping malls in a new perspective. It is not anymore only a place to do your shopping. It has gained status as a social phenomenon. From the early 1980’s a new social phenomenon came to the forefront world wide, the shopping mall. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Do Soaring Price and Mounting Demand in Indian Gold Market Speak of a Paradox Essay Example For Students

Do Soaring Price and Mounting Demand in Indian Gold Market Speak of a Paradox? Essay Do soaring price and mounting demand in Indian gold market speak of a paradox? Submitted on: 30/07/2010 Case study ABSTRACT This case clearly and systematically explains the causes and effect of increasing demand of gold in India and helps to analyse the changes in demand curve. Gold has always been a driving force in history. India is the largest gold consumer country accounting for 25% of the total demand of gold. Our aim is to analyse various determinant that operate demand. Generally, it is seen that festivals like Diwali, Akshaytritya and marriages increases the demand of gold. This case present the condition where in 2008, people switched off their funds to gold as global economy was under recession. This condition increased the demand for gold and kept the price of gold relatively high as well. Hence, it presented the paradox to soaring price and mounting investment demand for gold. Whereas,this condition was not seen in the case of jewellery. The demand of gold jewellery started falling when the prices were high. Tables and Figures For reference TABLE 1|   |   | Year| Price of gold| Quantity of gold demanded| 1991| 8518| 271| 1992| 9629| 371| 993| 11481| 314| 1994| 12222| 428| 1995| 12962| 514| 1996| 13333| 556| 1997| 12222| 771| 1998| 12000| 871| 1999| 12222| 813| 2000| 12592| 813| 2001| 13703| 800| 2002| 15925| 628| 2003| 17777| 600| 2004| 19259| 685| 2005| 20370| 813| Study of demand in case of Gold Overview Demand is willingness to purchase. There are various factors which are considered for analysing the demand for a particular commodity. These factors are known as Determinants of Demand. The factors are: 1. Price factor 2. Non Price factors Demand is the function of price and non price factors. Qd= f( Price factor, non price factor) Law of demand The relationship between Price and quantity is represented in a graph which shows Demand curve provided that we keep all other non price factors constant. The inverse price quantity relationship indicating that a greater commodity is demanded at lower prices and a smaller quantity at higher prices is called as Law of Demand. Analysis Case 1: Paradox to law of Demand Facts for investment based demand of gold In 2005 gold prices went up and also the demand increased. (Refer Table 1) Reasons: 1. Future Value: The higher goes the price for gold, the stronger became the conviction of Indians that gold is the best way to enhance one’s wealth. 2. Geopolitical uncertainty: This conviction got even stronger during the recession. Everyone switched their investments to gold thus making the demand for gold go up. 3. Inflation: In 2009, the demand for gold increased as the investors expected it to raise more which in turn increased the gold prices. 4. Portfolio Diversification: It is observed that Gold has a negative correlation with stock market and therefore it is seen as an inflation hedge. Demand curve (keeping non price factor constant) This positive relationship between price and quantity demanded is mainly due to non price factors which are explained in detail in later section. (Refer Influence of non price factors) Case2: Demand for jewellery based investment * In October 2008 the demand went up because the prices for gold went down. * In 2007 the prices for gold went up and so the demand for gold jewellery decreased. * During recession where the investment based demand was increased, the jewellery based demand saw a huge dip because of the high prices. In Feb. 2009 platinum was less than half the price it was in 2008. So people started buying platinum instead of gold, as the gold prices were still rising. This substitution effect increased the market share for platinum. Demand curve of gold jewellery (Fig: Change in quantity demanded) Influence of non price factors There are many other factors apart from Price factor. These are called as non price factor. These in clude: 1. Income of the consumer: Rise in income lead to more demand of gold in India (reported 2004, Refer â€Å"The Role of gold in India†). . Price of the related goods: If the price of the related increases then price of the gold will also increase. 3. Consumers’ taste and preferences: Gold is a conspicuous commodity. People demand it as they prefer it. 4. Festivals and marriages: Akshayatritya and Diwali are considered good for buying the gold. And in Hindu culture, Gold is given as a gift to daughters so the demand increases. 5. Population: No. of people buying the commodity also define the demand of the commodity. Larger no. shows high demand for a particular commodity. 6. .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .postImageUrl , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:hover , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:visited , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:active { border:0!important; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:active , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Clinical Social Work EssayExpected Future prices: People believe that there is a possibility of rising the price of gold in coming years so they demand it more and price rises. Etc. Influence of non price factors on demand curve Demand curve for gold (when non price factors are included) (Fig: Change in demand) Whenever there is an increase or intervention of non price factor such as income, inflation, government policies, relative good, population, expectation for future value, festival, taste and preferences of customer then there is a whole shift in the demand curve. Effect of supply on Price and demand of gold The direct relationship between the price and quantity indicating that rise in price will lead to rise in supply and rise of demand will also lead to increase in supply. This phenomenon is called law of supply. It sometimes became limiting and hence the price will increase. The point where supply curve and demand curve intersect is known as market equilibrium. It is a point where consumers are ready to buy and supplier is ready to sell. In the above curve, G1s is a supply curve and G1d and G2d are demand curve. The Demand is showed to increase by non price factor and supply is assumed to be constant for few years. This shows that though supply has not changed but due to shift in demand graph, the market equilibrium is now maintained at point 2 rather than point 1. This increases the price as well as demand. On the other hand, when the demand is kept constant and if the supply reduces then the line G1s shifts towards the left and increases the price but reduces the demand. Supply constraint in the case of gold: In the case of gold market, the supply of the gold reduced from 2573 tonnes in 2000 to 2444 tonnes in 2005. The supply curve shifted towards left. On the other hand the demand curve shifted toward right due to non price factor over the years (refer graph). This shift on both curves raised the market equilibrium to a point where price is high along with the demand. Conclusion: Hence the demand curve of gold initially looked inverted but, now we analyse that it follows a general law of supply and demand because of the fact that non price factor affects the demand and hence the price.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tips on Writing a Reflection Paper free essay sample

A reflection paper can be written on an assigned piece of reading, a lecture or an experience, such as an internship or volunteer experience. A reflection paper probably will be further clarified by the teacher or professor who assigns it to you. However, for the most part, a reflection paper cites your reactions, feelings and analysis of an experience in a more personal way than in a formal research or analytical essay. Thoughts and Reactions When writing a reflection paper on literature or another experience, the point is to include your thoughts and reactions to the reading or experience. You can present your feelings on what you read and explain them. You also can use a reflection paper to analyze what you have read. Like any other paper or essay, it should be cohesive and refer directly to the specific passage or quote in the material that inspired this feeling. You can include personal experience in a reflection paper, but do not depend on it; base your reactions and reflections on the material that is your subject. We will write a custom essay sample on Tips on Writing a Reflection Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dont Summarize Do not use a reflection paper simply to summarize what you have read or done. Also, a reflection paper should not be a free flow of ideas and thoughts. The idea of a reflection paper is to write an essay describing your reactions and analysis to a reading or other experience; however, it is more formal than a journal entry, so leave out informal language and form. Organize Your Thoughts A reflection paper should be as organized as any other type of formal essay. Include an introduction, perhaps one that describes your expectations before the reading or the experience. You also may want to summarize the conclusions you came to during the process. The body of your paper should explain the conclusions you have come to and why, basing your conclusions in concrete details from your reading and experience. End the paper with a conclusion that sums up what you got from the reading. You might want to refer to your conclusions in relation to your expectations or come to some other conclusion or analysis about the text or experience in light of your feelings and reactions.