Saturday, December 28, 2019

Jane Austens Complete List of Famous Works

Jane Austen is recognized as one of the most important English writers of her time. Shes probably most famous for her novel  Pride and Prejudice, but others like  Mansfield Park, are very popular. Her books largely dealt with themes of love and a womans role in the home. While many readers try to relegate Austen to the realms of early chick lit, her books are important to the literary canon. Austen is one of the most important British authors.   While today her novels are often considered by some to be part of the romance genre, Austens books actually helped popularize the idea of marrying for love in the first place. During Austens time marriage was more of a business contract, couples would decide to get married based on things like each others economic class. As one can imagine marriages like this werent always the best for women. Marriages built on love rather than for business reasons were a common plot point in many of Austens novels. Austens novels also pointed out the many ways women of her time depended on their ability to marry well.   Women rarely worked during Austens job and the few jobs they did hold were often service positions like cook or governess. Women relied on their husbands employment to provide for any family they might have.   Austen was a trailblazer in multiple ways, she chose not to marry and managed to earn money with her writing. While many artists arent appreciated in their lifetime, Austen was a popular author within her own life. Her books afforded her the ability not to need a husband to rely on. Her list of works is rather short by comparison but this is most likely due to her life being cut short due to an unknown illness. Jane Austens   Works Novels 1811 - Sense and Sensibility1813 - Pride and Prejudice1814 - Mansfield Park1815 - Emma1818 - Northanger Abbey (posthumous)1818 - Persuasion (posthumous) Short fiction 1794, 1805 - Lady Susan Unfinished fiction 1804 - The Watsons1817 - Sanditon Other works 1793, 1800 - Sir Charles Grandison1815 - Plan of a NovelPoemsPrayersLetters Juvenilia - Volume the First The Juvenilia is comprised of several notebooks Jane Austen wrote during her youth.   Frederic ElfridaJack AliceEdgar EmmaHenry and ElizaThe Adventures of Mr. HarleySir William MountagueMemoirs of Mr. CliffordThe Beautifull CassandraAmelia WebsterThe VisitThe MysteryThe Three SistersA beautiful descriptionThe generous CurateOde to Pity Juvenilia - Volume the Second Love and FriendshipLesley CastleThe History of EnglandA Collection of LettersThe female philosopherThe first Act of a ComedyA Letter from a Young LadyA Tour through WalesA Tale Juvenilia - Volume the Third EvelynCatharine, or the Bower

Friday, December 20, 2019

Australia s Interconnection With England - 1285 Words

Australia s interconnection with England By Clement Wong School Report - 9 March, 2015 Introduction Australian – British relations are one of the closest international relationships in existence, marked by culture, institutions and language, Australia have a few interconnection with England by military, tourism, migration, economic, sports, culture, science and engineer. Firstly, Globalisation is acting an important role between Australia and England, however what is globalisation? Globalization is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. Globalization has increased the production of goods and services. Tourism Tourism is one of the major interconnection between Australia and England. Tourism is Industry The City of London has been funding for the development of resources in Australia since the old days The oil industry in Australia started with Commonwealth Oil Refineries, a collaboration between the Australian government and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (later BP). Ties are strong in the media industry; Rupert Murdoch s involvement in British newspapers and BSkyB is mentioned above, but Fremantle Media has gone the other way to acquire and merge Crackerjack Productions with the creators of Neighbors. Anglo-Australian companies have become some of the biggest multinational mining companiesShow MoreRelatedMall Culture5156 Words   |  21 PagesLook at shopping malls in a new perspective. It is not anymore only a place to do your shopping. It has gained status as a social phenomenon. From the early 1980’s a new social phenomenon came to the forefront world wide, the shopping mall. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Do Soaring Price and Mounting Demand in Indian Gold Market Speak of a Paradox Essay Example For Students

Do Soaring Price and Mounting Demand in Indian Gold Market Speak of a Paradox? Essay Do soaring price and mounting demand in Indian gold market speak of a paradox? Submitted on: 30/07/2010 Case study ABSTRACT This case clearly and systematically explains the causes and effect of increasing demand of gold in India and helps to analyse the changes in demand curve. Gold has always been a driving force in history. India is the largest gold consumer country accounting for 25% of the total demand of gold. Our aim is to analyse various determinant that operate demand. Generally, it is seen that festivals like Diwali, Akshaytritya and marriages increases the demand of gold. This case present the condition where in 2008, people switched off their funds to gold as global economy was under recession. This condition increased the demand for gold and kept the price of gold relatively high as well. Hence, it presented the paradox to soaring price and mounting investment demand for gold. Whereas,this condition was not seen in the case of jewellery. The demand of gold jewellery started falling when the prices were high. Tables and Figures For reference TABLE 1|   |   | Year| Price of gold| Quantity of gold demanded| 1991| 8518| 271| 1992| 9629| 371| 993| 11481| 314| 1994| 12222| 428| 1995| 12962| 514| 1996| 13333| 556| 1997| 12222| 771| 1998| 12000| 871| 1999| 12222| 813| 2000| 12592| 813| 2001| 13703| 800| 2002| 15925| 628| 2003| 17777| 600| 2004| 19259| 685| 2005| 20370| 813| Study of demand in case of Gold Overview Demand is willingness to purchase. There are various factors which are considered for analysing the demand for a particular commodity. These factors are known as Determinants of Demand. The factors are: 1. Price factor 2. Non Price factors Demand is the function of price and non price factors. Qd= f( Price factor, non price factor) Law of demand The relationship between Price and quantity is represented in a graph which shows Demand curve provided that we keep all other non price factors constant. The inverse price quantity relationship indicating that a greater commodity is demanded at lower prices and a smaller quantity at higher prices is called as Law of Demand. Analysis Case 1: Paradox to law of Demand Facts for investment based demand of gold In 2005 gold prices went up and also the demand increased. (Refer Table 1) Reasons: 1. Future Value: The higher goes the price for gold, the stronger became the conviction of Indians that gold is the best way to enhance one’s wealth. 2. Geopolitical uncertainty: This conviction got even stronger during the recession. Everyone switched their investments to gold thus making the demand for gold go up. 3. Inflation: In 2009, the demand for gold increased as the investors expected it to raise more which in turn increased the gold prices. 4. Portfolio Diversification: It is observed that Gold has a negative correlation with stock market and therefore it is seen as an inflation hedge. Demand curve (keeping non price factor constant) This positive relationship between price and quantity demanded is mainly due to non price factors which are explained in detail in later section. (Refer Influence of non price factors) Case2: Demand for jewellery based investment * In October 2008 the demand went up because the prices for gold went down. * In 2007 the prices for gold went up and so the demand for gold jewellery decreased. * During recession where the investment based demand was increased, the jewellery based demand saw a huge dip because of the high prices. In Feb. 2009 platinum was less than half the price it was in 2008. So people started buying platinum instead of gold, as the gold prices were still rising. This substitution effect increased the market share for platinum. Demand curve of gold jewellery (Fig: Change in quantity demanded) Influence of non price factors There are many other factors apart from Price factor. These are called as non price factor. These in clude: 1. Income of the consumer: Rise in income lead to more demand of gold in India (reported 2004, Refer â€Å"The Role of gold in India†). . Price of the related goods: If the price of the related increases then price of the gold will also increase. 3. Consumers’ taste and preferences: Gold is a conspicuous commodity. People demand it as they prefer it. 4. Festivals and marriages: Akshayatritya and Diwali are considered good for buying the gold. And in Hindu culture, Gold is given as a gift to daughters so the demand increases. 5. Population: No. of people buying the commodity also define the demand of the commodity. Larger no. shows high demand for a particular commodity. 6. .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .postImageUrl , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:hover , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:visited , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:active { border:0!important; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:active , .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945 .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8de65b137ae52273d57928b49a046945:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Clinical Social Work EssayExpected Future prices: People believe that there is a possibility of rising the price of gold in coming years so they demand it more and price rises. Etc. Influence of non price factors on demand curve Demand curve for gold (when non price factors are included) (Fig: Change in demand) Whenever there is an increase or intervention of non price factor such as income, inflation, government policies, relative good, population, expectation for future value, festival, taste and preferences of customer then there is a whole shift in the demand curve. Effect of supply on Price and demand of gold The direct relationship between the price and quantity indicating that rise in price will lead to rise in supply and rise of demand will also lead to increase in supply. This phenomenon is called law of supply. It sometimes became limiting and hence the price will increase. The point where supply curve and demand curve intersect is known as market equilibrium. It is a point where consumers are ready to buy and supplier is ready to sell. In the above curve, G1s is a supply curve and G1d and G2d are demand curve. The Demand is showed to increase by non price factor and supply is assumed to be constant for few years. This shows that though supply has not changed but due to shift in demand graph, the market equilibrium is now maintained at point 2 rather than point 1. This increases the price as well as demand. On the other hand, when the demand is kept constant and if the supply reduces then the line G1s shifts towards the left and increases the price but reduces the demand. Supply constraint in the case of gold: In the case of gold market, the supply of the gold reduced from 2573 tonnes in 2000 to 2444 tonnes in 2005. The supply curve shifted towards left. On the other hand the demand curve shifted toward right due to non price factor over the years (refer graph). This shift on both curves raised the market equilibrium to a point where price is high along with the demand. Conclusion: Hence the demand curve of gold initially looked inverted but, now we analyse that it follows a general law of supply and demand because of the fact that non price factor affects the demand and hence the price.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tips on Writing a Reflection Paper free essay sample

A reflection paper can be written on an assigned piece of reading, a lecture or an experience, such as an internship or volunteer experience. A reflection paper probably will be further clarified by the teacher or professor who assigns it to you. However, for the most part, a reflection paper cites your reactions, feelings and analysis of an experience in a more personal way than in a formal research or analytical essay. Thoughts and Reactions When writing a reflection paper on literature or another experience, the point is to include your thoughts and reactions to the reading or experience. You can present your feelings on what you read and explain them. You also can use a reflection paper to analyze what you have read. Like any other paper or essay, it should be cohesive and refer directly to the specific passage or quote in the material that inspired this feeling. You can include personal experience in a reflection paper, but do not depend on it; base your reactions and reflections on the material that is your subject. We will write a custom essay sample on Tips on Writing a Reflection Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dont Summarize Do not use a reflection paper simply to summarize what you have read or done. Also, a reflection paper should not be a free flow of ideas and thoughts. The idea of a reflection paper is to write an essay describing your reactions and analysis to a reading or other experience; however, it is more formal than a journal entry, so leave out informal language and form. Organize Your Thoughts A reflection paper should be as organized as any other type of formal essay. Include an introduction, perhaps one that describes your expectations before the reading or the experience. You also may want to summarize the conclusions you came to during the process. The body of your paper should explain the conclusions you have come to and why, basing your conclusions in concrete details from your reading and experience. End the paper with a conclusion that sums up what you got from the reading. You might want to refer to your conclusions in relation to your expectations or come to some other conclusion or analysis about the text or experience in light of your feelings and reactions.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

An Evaluation of the Use of the PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology

An Evaluation of the Use of the PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology Introduction PRINCE2 is an acronym standing for PRojects, IN Controlled Environments. It is a method that is used by project managers in managing projects. This method is commonly used by the UK government, although it is also used in other countries. It covers both the organization and management of a project. PRINCE2 can be defined as a method used by project managers to manage projects.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on An Evaluation of the Use of the PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It helps them to decide who should be concerned with certain projects and what is expected of them, that is, the project team and its responsibilities. PRINCE2 gives a set of processes that should be adopted in a project and explains the kind of information that should be incorporated in a given project. Nonetheless, it is important to understand that the method does not perform any task and will never give an assurance of a project success. It just gives a guideline of what should or should not be involved in a project and leaves the project managers to make their own decisions. A triumphant project, that is, one that delivers quality results within the set budget and on time depends on the eminence of people who are concerned in its execution. This includes project board and the project team which does most of the work. Today, projects engross different groups of people including but not limited to the clients, contractors, and the users. The most important objective behind the use of PRINCE2 is to make sure that there is a universal language amongst the concerned parties. Customers and suppliers are brought together by contracts, whereas the project team and the project board are brought together by the responsibilities expected of them by the customers and or the users of the project. By using PRINCE2 project managers have been able to manage projects more easily and thi s ensures that the products that are delivered from the project are of the right quality. This paper looks at the history of PRINCE2 as a project management method, its relationship with project management and programme management, some of the advantages of using this method to the project managers, and the disadvantages. It also looks at the processes, components and techniques of PRINCE2. Brief History of PRINCE2 PRINCE2 was derived from PROMPTII and PRINCE project management method that was discovered in 1989 by the government of UK. It was discovered in 1996 as a more efficient management method than PROMP TII and since then, it has become a popular method and it is increasingly being used for managing project in the UK (Haughey 1).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It has now become a common method used by project managers, not only in the UK but in 50 other co untries. The most recent version of PRINCE2 was released in 2009 by OGC, although the name did not change to PRINCE3 as it would have been expected, was an indication that the method is still faithful to its ideologies. However, it had been going through a series of revisions since 1996 in order to be compatible to the present global business environment. The major dissimilarity between PRINCE2:2009 and the previous version is that, the 2009 version entails the use of two instruction manuals; one for the management victorious projects and the other for directing projects. Pass mark has been increased to 55 per cent (for the practitioner assessment) but that of foundation examination stays. Further, the practitioner exam will not take 3 hours as it used to but 2 and a half hours (Haughey 5) Project Management The work of a project manager is to organize and control a project within an organization. To do this, he selects human resources who are competent enough to work on the project and it is his responsibility to supervise their work to ensure that it done timely and according to laid down standards. The project administrator proposes the project arrangements that spell out the task of the project as well as its duration. A client pays for the project whilst the user is the individual who employs the results of the project or rather one who the product impacts on. However, in some cases, the consumer and the client can be the same person and the person whose proficiency is being used on the project is known as a consultant. For the project to deliver the expected results, these people have to co-ordinate with each other. They have to ensure that, the project does to exceed the set budget, it is of the right quality and it is delivered on time. Each PRINCE2 must have a project panel composed of the client, the user (or his delegate), and the consultant or purveyor (Anon. â€Å"PRINCE2 methodology overview† 4). In PRINCE2, these people are known as the c lient, senior consumer, and the superior contractor. It remains the duty of the project manager to report to the project panel on the development of the project and any foreseeable challenges or predicaments. In return, the project board provides the project manager with appropriate decisions on how to handle the project and how to overcome any challenges that comes his way.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on An Evaluation of the Use of the PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More PRINCE2 is a knowledge-based approach that covers a wide area in project management. It provides a process model composed of eight processes that act as a guide to a project manager in planning and managing projects. PRINCE2 project management method can be applied to a vast number of projects and in a wide range of intricacy. Moreover, the PRINCE2 instruction manual on the management of unbeaten projects gives a number of mechanisms that help a project manager in using the process model. One advantage of PRINCE2 is that, it helps to standardize the activities in an organization while allowing project managers to adopt a range of products using the same processes and terminology. The major constraint is that, it limits the level of creativity in the methods applied by managers in managing projects (Anon. â€Å"PRINCE2 methodology overview† 5). Programme Management Programme management involves managing groups of projects for a desired benefit. It involves structuring and controlling projects in a group so that they give effective results. Large and complex projects are normally broken down into small and inter-related projects for easy management. In doing this, one has to take into consideration, the time and the budget allocated to the specific projects. The importance of using PRINCE2 in programme management is that, it helps in grouping of projects according to their purpose an d urgency. Just like in project management, PRINCE2 assist programme managers in setting a procedure that has to be followed in seeing that all projects yield the expected results. It helps them to set the roles and responsibilities of the different people involved in programming and also give a guideline to be followed in supervising projects. Advantages of using PRINCE2 to both project managers and programme managers Risk Management Many people take about risk management but rarely do they do anything in connection to it. The major problem is that many people do not know whose responsibility it is to manage risk. PRINCE2 provides a solution to this since it defines the method of handling risk. The latest version PRINCE2:2009 which was released in June 2009 provides a strategy for managing risk.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This involves identification of risks, evaluation, and how to deal with identified risk within a project. It also gives an idea of who is accountable for carrying out the diverse roles implicated in risk management. It sets out the number and types of risks that an organization can be able to bear within a project. The first step in risk management is to identify the risks in a project; this can be done by following the approaches given in the new manual (Hinde, â€Å"Better Risk management with PRINCE2† 1). Some of these approaches are: reviewing critical issues from previous projects, conducting a risk brainstorming session, and establishing a structure for breaking down risks. A risk structure is a diagram that resembles an organization chart but it is divided into different ways, for instance by the use of the PESTEL analysis. Risks can also be identified by reviewing the different aspects of a project, such as percentage of approvals, issues raised regarding the project, defects captured in the projects, just to name but a few. After identifying the possible risks in a project, the next step is to assess the risk exposure. In this progression, each threat is measured in terms of percentage and the pecuniary impact it can generate in case it happen to occur. The fraction of incidence is multiplied by the pecuniary impact to arrive at the supposed value in case the risk takes place. By adding up the expected values of the all the expected risks, we get a monetary value that represent the risk exposure of the project in question. PRINCE2 recommends that, each risk should be recorded when they are expected to occur in order to give the proximity of the risk. It also suggests that the possibility and the impact of a risk ought to be put into consideration to establish whether this show a discrepancy over time. Apart from just considering when a risk may or may not occur, PRINCE2 considers the causes of risks. This gives a deeper analysis in identifying and assessing risks thereby providing a better approach to the process of risk management. Not all risks results in negative impacts; some risks are opportunities. According to PRINCE2, there are three approaches to an opportunity: exploitation of the opportunity by ensuring that it occurs, increasing its probability of occurrence, or rejecting the opportunity (Hinde, â€Å"Better Risk management with PRINCE2† 5). The responsibility of a project manager entails searching for more prospects that would make a project better, by making this a component of the process of managing risks; the project manager are in a position to recognize more risks Project Assurance Normally, the work of project assurance is to provide independent views on the progress of the project. In PRINCE2, the scrutiny of project reassurance is divided into three; client, organization, and the specialist. Project assurance is all about checking the progress of the project to ensure that it remains within th e budget and that it is cost effective, this is referred to as business assurance. User assurance entails examining whether the consumer’s requirements are being offered whilst specialist reassurance involves inspecting whether the project is offering the anticipated solution. In the majority projects, assurance is carried out by a self-regulating panel (referred to as the â€Å"project assurance team†), although in other assignments, it is the panel in the project board that carries out the assurance (Anon. â€Å"PRINCE2 methodology overview† 3). Project Support Projects involve a lot of administrative work, everyone has to be informed about the progress, meetings have to be arranged, plans have to be updated, and files have to be kept properly, among other activities. In small projects, the project managers do most of this work, but if the project is big, they delegate some of these duties to members of the project team. PRINCE2 recommends that a project suppo rt office should be set up to help the project manager carry out his duties effectively and also gives a guideline of how some of the responsibilities should be delegated to the project team members. Controlling Change PRINCE2 involves more than just describing and analyzing the responsibilities required of each member. It also explains how risk can be managed, how to achieve quality results, and how to control the project. Management of risk involves forecasting on the future and determining the problems that can be encountered in the process of the project and designing appropriate mechanisms to tackle such challenges. On the other hand, the management (quality) is all about probing the value of the work done through appraising or re-examining it (Office of Government Commerce 342). During the project’s life-cycle, many alterations take place, for instance, members from the team may well change their mind, the client or user possibly will change some of the given instructio ns, or other things may perhaps take place, which may possibly affect the value of the project. PRINCE2 has a unique technique that enables project managers to control the changes that may take place in the execution of a project in order to ensure that such changes do not impact the project negatively. Disadvantages At times, PRINCE2 is regarded as unsuitable and unproductive for small projects, because of the work implicated in preserving and generating documents, and lists. This time and again results in a misinterpretation of which parts of PRINCE2 should be useful. PRINCE2 does not take into consideration the size of the projects but assume all projects are the same and that they should follow the same procedure. However, this may be quite ineffective for small projects which have a smaller budget. Creating and maintaining some of the documents and lists is an expensive process which can not be done by the project manager alone. He has to hire an additional employee which may n ot be possible according to the budget. PRINCE2 provides many ideas for the management of projects. However, the quality approach can sometimes be entirely inappropriate because it redefines the original meaning of quality. According to the dictionary, the word quality means standard of excellence. On the other hand, PRINCE2 defines quality as something fit for the purpose, which it can be designed without taking into consideration the standards of excellence. This re-definition of quality creates a lot of controversies in the application of PRINCE2 to many project managers (Hinde, â€Å"Why PRINCE2’s approach to quality is flawed† 2). At the start of PRINCE2 project, the project manager agrees with the customer about the attributes to be created from the project, in other terms known as the acceptance criteria. After the products have been delivered to the customer, he will only sigh against them if they fulfil the acceptance criteria. However, this is under the assum ption that, the customer understands what they want, but in most cases, the do not. This is a problem in PRINCE2 projects which assumes that users know the quality of the products that they want. PRINCE2 defines a project according to its uniqueness and the more unique a project is, the harder it becomes to specify what is required of the end product. PRINCE2 Processes PRINCE2 process that was revised in 2009 takes place in almost 40 separate activities which are organized further into seven processes. This can be summarized in following chart. [from:} Starting Up a Project The first process is the start up of a new project. A project team is appointed in this process, and the purpose of the project including the expected outcome is prepared. It is in this process that decisions regarding the approach to be adopted are made and the next process is discussed and planned for. After doing this, the project board authorizes th e stage that follows, that is, the initiation of the project. Key activities in the start up process include but not limited to selection of the project manager and a supervisory member, management panel selection, project brief preparation among others (Anon. â€Å"PRINCE2 processes, components, and techniques† 2). Initiation Stage Main activities involved in this stage include planning for a quality approach, planning for the project, redefining project brief into business case, creating project files, creating project controls, and bringing together a project instigation document. This process continues with the work instigated in the start-up stage and augments the brief into a business case. The executive, project manager, and project management team work together to define an approach for testing quality of the project with a general objective of controlling the entire project. This stage involves the creation of project files which act as a general plan for the entire project. The next stage is also created and all information resulting from this stage is forwarded to the project board for the purpose of authorization. Directing a Project The main activities in this stage include but not limited to authorization of project initiation, authorization of projects, authorization of a stage plan, giving of direction, and project closure conformation. In this process, the roles and responsibilities of the project board are stipulated; the main role of this board is to control the entire project. As seen earlier, it is the work of the project board to authorize the initiation stage as well as the project itself. The directing stage stipulates how the project board is supposed to approve a stage plan, and other plans that are designed to replace the stage plan due to unforeseen conditions (Murray 2). This stage also gives an overview of how the project board is expected to direct the project including the activities involved in closing down a project. Co ntrolling a Stage According to PRINCE2, projects should be divided into processes and sub-processes dictating how each phase ought to be monitored and controlled. This includes the method of authorizing and receiving work packages. It also explains how the progress of a project ought to be monitored and how major outcomes of the project ought to be reported to the board. The controlling stage also puts forward the technique to be espoused in capturing and gauging issues interrelated to the project and how counteractive action should be implemented. It suggests the method to be adopted in delivering project issues to the project board. The key activities in this stage include authorization of work packages, reviewing progress, investigating project issues, assessing the stage of the project, report major events to the board, taking remedial action, and rising project issues. Managing Stage Boundaries As seen above, the controlling process suggests what must be done in a given stage. On the other hand, the managing stage boundaries suggest what have to to be prepared when a stage is near completion. This phase also states what ought to be done if a stage is going through difficulties or of it has gone ahead of those levels that can be tolerated, and how the finishing point of the project have to be reported to the panel. The core actions in this phase include: bringing up to date the plan for a project, business case, and the risk record, setting up a stage, reporting the end of a project, and creation of elimination plan. Managing Product Delivery The purpose of this stage is to ensure that, there is co- ordination between the project team and the project manager. Main objectives are; To make certain that the project manager consents to the work of the group and that it is decided upon by the panel members To certify that the panel members, the project administrator, and suppliers comprehend the anticipated result, and that they are able to work within the set time limit, and cost to produce outstanding results (Watling 2) To ensure delivery of every products as per the project’s arrangement and within the financial plan To make sure that the project director is provided with truthful information on a habitual basis as regards to the development of the venture in order to deal with the expectations satisfactorily In summary, the core activities involved in this phase include: recognition, implementation, and work-package delivery. Closing a Project This comprises of the actions that have to be completed just before the end of a project. In this stage, the project is officially de-commissioned and resources distributed to other activities. Then the project is evaluated and follows on actions identified. The key activities in this stage include: project decommissioning, project evaluation, and identification of the follow-on actions (Watling 4). PRINCE2 techniques Quality Review The purpose of this technique is to ensure that, the products resulting from a project are of good standard, that is, they meet the quality criteria. More often than not, this is done in a quality reassess meeting in which inaccuracies in products are recognized. It is worth noting that the quality review meeting is not under any obligation to resolve the errors identified in products, its work is to bring the interested people together and to help the project team in addressing the identified issues (Anon. â€Å"PRINCE2 processes, components, and techniques† 3). Product Based Planning This technique defines a project according to the output and not its activities. Before a project is initiated, the project managers have to understand the products required by the users. This helps them in planning for the activities that should be incorporated in the project but it is not the activities that determine the end product (Murray 4). Change Control This technique gives a procedure on how to log and assess the impacts of a project, h ow to escalate issues to the board, and how to manage changes. PRINCE2 Components The components of PRINCE2 are given in the outer part of the chart below [From:] PRINCE2 has eight main components, these are: Business case- This is a justification for a project Organization- This gives an overview of the roles and responsibilities of all the people involved in a project, this includes project managers, project team, and the project board. Plans- This gives a definition of products expected from a project, how work is shared and carried out among the parties involved. This includes; timescale of the project, budget, and when to make frequent reports to the project board (Anon. Managing and Directing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 3). Controls- This component gives an overview of the procedure to be followed by project managers and the board in controlling the activities of a project Management of risk- Every undertaking involves taking risks; this component explains the approach to be adopted in managing risks in a project. Quality in a project Environment- This explains how quality products are ensured within a project and how such products are delivered Configuration management- This gives an explanation how to identify and track the products of a project Change control- It is common for changes to occur in the process of execution of a project. Change control explains how such changes should to be managed to ensure that, the quality of the end products are not compromised. Conclusion PRINCE2 has made Project management easy since it contains well defined framework. It provides a clear procedure on how to coordinate activities and the project team members, how to plan for the project, how to supervise it, and how to handle the challenges that comes along the execution of the project. PRINCE2 defines all the processes involved in a project with specifications on key inputs, output, goals, and act ivities to be undertaken. This helps project managers to control any deviations that may occur in the plan. It also ensures that all available resources are controlled efficiently, projects are carried out in an organized manner and they are easily monitored in an organized way. PRINCE2 is a well structured method that is widely acknowledged and understood by many project managers who have done either the foundation or practitioner examinations. It provides a basis for communication where all participants are able to communicate in a common language. Major tasks and duties concerned in the managing of a project are illustrated without a doubt and are well-matched to the proficiency of a firm and the complexity of the project. PRINCE2 also helps project managers in indentifying risks, evaluating the risk exposures and how to exploit risks into opportunities. Many people just talk about risks but hardly do anything to mitigate them. Others think that it is not their responsibilities t o manage risks and just sit down and watch things go out of hand. According PRINCE2, it is the work of the project manager to manage risks although he can delegate the same to a member of the project team who he feels is in a position to do the work. This management method provides a guideline on how to indentify risks, assess them, or even turn them into opportunities. Management of risk involves forecasting on the future and determining the problems that can be encountered in the process of the project and designing appropriate mechanisms to tackle such challenges. Some of the major shortcomings of PRINCE2 are: it assumes all projects to be the same and does not give a separate procedure for smaller projects and also it re-defines the meaning of quality by assuming that users are knowledgeable of the quality of the products they are requesting for. PRINCE2 method involves different processes, components and techniques. The processes include: start-up of project, initiation stage, directing a project, and controlling a project. Some of the components are: plans, organization, controls, business case, and change control. It has only three techniques; quality control, product-based planning, and change control Anon. Managing and Directing Successful Projects with PRINCE2. Press release, June 2009. Web. Anon. â€Å"PRINCE2 methodology overview.† ILX Group plc, 2010. Web. Anon. â€Å"PRINCE2 Processes, Components, and Techniques.† Aipm, 2010. Web. Haughey, Duncan. â€Å"The History of PRINCE2.† Project Smart, 2010. Web.. Hinde, David. â€Å"Better Risk Management with PRINCE2.† Project Smart, 2010. Web.. Hinde, David. â€Å"Why PRINCE2’s Approach to Qu ality is flawed.† Project Smart, 2010. Web.. Murray, Andy. â€Å"Best Management Practice for Project, Programme, and Risk Management.† White paper, 2007. Web. Office of Government Commerce. Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (5th ed.). The Stationery Office, 2009. ISBN 978-0113310593. Watling, Shaun. â€Å"A Procedural Worksheet on PRINCE2 Project Management.† Project Smart, 2010. Web..

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pornography and Violence against Women

Pornography and Violence against Women Pornography is the description of explicit content with the aim of arousing someone sexually. The media used in storing contents of this nature include books, video, film, animation, painting, photos, and magazines just to name but a few.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Pornography and Violence against Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More People who pose for pornographic pictures are referred to as models whereas those who assume a character in pornographic movies are called porn stars. Emanuelle (2002) argues that pornography can be classified into several forms namely alt, armateur, fetish, orientation based, orgy, race oriented, reality, and soft and voyeur pornography. Studies conducted in the recent past indicate that the increase in the accessibility of pornographic materials has led to increase in sexual crime, especially against women. When the person who is being exposed to explicit content is not married or in a stable relationship he/she will look for alternative means to quench his/her sexual desires. The alternatives here include other people who are forced into having sex unwillingly. Others include animals such as dogs and sheep. In such a situation the weaker sex, that is, women and children are prone to these attacks. If pornography is applied appropriately it can be used to improve the sex lives of married people and responsible adults. This is because sex in marriage is very vital because when it is not satisfactory, spouses will seek satisfaction from other people that they consider knowledgeable in matters regarding sex. Rape is as old as mankind and can be traced to biblical scriptures hence governments should invent proper structures that can be used to reduce its occurrence. Marriage counselors recommend use of pornography to conduct sex education. Most women do not appreciate pornography as a sexual reference database because they argue that the habits portrayed by po rn stars make them uncomfortable, such as licking ones genitals. According to Marianna (2003), women also experience marital rape perpetrated by their husbands. This kind of rape is rarely reported to the authorities because the society does not recognize marital rape. In most cases the husband comes out of nowhere and is sexually aroused but the wife in question is not ready for sex. Since men have stronger masculine than women, the wife is rendered helpless and gives in to her husband’s desires. The husband might inflict pain or injuries on the woman depending on the intensity of force used.Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In general the society does not see anything wrong with marital rape because in most communities the woman is under obligation to satisfy her man’s sexual desires regardless of whether she enjoys it or not. This is the underlying reaso n as to why women don’t report cases of marital rape because they will be labeled as wives who do not want to grant their husbands their conjugal rights. Women also contribute to the rise in sexual crimes by putting on provocative clothes such as mini-skirts and tight trousers. Many people do not agree with this argument but it has been found to insight men into sex. Men are more sexually aroused by what they see with their eyes as opposed to women who view sex as emotional. Women should keep off from lonely places because those are the most appropriate areas for this evil. They should not accept lifts from male drivers that are not known to them. Date rape can also be avoided by bringing along a close friend and by informing their families and friends about their whereabouts. This will be useful in tracing them just in case they go missing. Women should also avoid watching adult movies with people they would not want to have sex with because when the other person is turned o n they will choose the person who is most convenient to them. Violent sexual contents make men believe that women are sexual objects that can be used as one wish. Sexual offenders should be punished heavily to discourage the would-be offenders. Sexual crime rarely happens in Arabian countries because the women in those countries are prohibited from wearing clothes that are provocative and also men are not allowed to look at women in a suggestive manner. Men who commit sexual offense in these countries are stoned to death. The Islamic law strongly opposes sex before marriage but encourages men to marry as soon they come of age. Most men who commit rape are under the influence of drugs and therefore such men should be taken to rehabilitation centers where they receive guidance and counseling. People who produce pornographic contents should be held accountable for the social effects brought by their materials. This will make them to be cautious on who views their contents hence encoura ge responsible sexual behavior. References Emmanuelle, R. 2002.The Naked Untruth. AlterNet. 9 November 2010.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Pornography and Violence against Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Marianna, B. 2003.†The Roots of Western Pornography: Victorian obsessions and Fin-de-siecle predilections. Libido.† The Journal of sex and sensibility. Available at

Thursday, November 21, 2019

IMC Proposal London Zoo Marketing Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IMC Proposal London Zoo Marketing - Dissertation Example As part of the IMC dissertation proposal for ZSL London Zoo, this report will give the readers an overview of the market competitive framework. In line with this, the market structure of London Zoo will first be tackled followed by comparing the profile and marketing activities of ZSL’s major competitors and discussing the importance of continuously promoting the central brand. Based on the product life cycle analysis, the current distribution policy and pricing policy will be tackled in details. Chapter II – Literature Review Overview of the Market Competitive Framework Although there are more than 100 zoos throughout the United Kingdom, the only 3 zoos that are currently operational in London include the Battersea Park Children’s zoo, the Sea Life London Aquarium, and the London Zoo (Zoo Keepers, 2009). Among these four zoos that are currently operational in this area, only the London Zoo is classified as the major zoo throughout the United Kingdom. (See Append ix I – Major Zoo Operators in London on page 7) Given that there are only three zoos being operational in London, its market structure is classified as oligopoly. In line with this, Arnold (2010, p. ... Aside from publicly announcing the arrival of a new animal, the marketing strategies used by the Battersea Park Children’s zoo, the Sea Life London Aquarium, and the London Zoo are similar in the sense that these operators are focused on providing discounts on group tours, accepting parties and school visits (Sea Life London Aquarium, 2011; Battersea Park Children's Zoo, 2011; ZSL, 2011). Specifically Battersea Park Children’s Zoo (2011) offers the public the option to adopt an animal for either 6 months or 1 year programme. Aside from entering into joint business partnership with University of Cambridge, ZSL London Zoo is more focused on promoting its forthcoming science and conservation events and offering children with more options to enjoy their stay at the zoo (ZSL, 2011). Importance of Promoting the Central Brand According to Aaker (1991), brand equity is a multi-dimensional concept which is strongly related to the development of strong brand loyalty, creation of brand awareness, perceived service quality, and brand association. Being more than just choosing a corporate name, King (2010) explained that branding is crucial behind the success of the ZSL London Zoo because a strong brand could develop familiarity and loyalty on the part of its prospective zoo visitors. Because of the importance of continuously promoting the central brand, the managers of ZSL should take it as a challenge in making the general public feel special when being associated with a brand. By considering its product life cycle analysis, ZSL can implement marketing strategies that will strengthen its brand and keep its existing customers loyal to the zoo. Product